It’s the end of August so it’s time for another month in review. We all came back from our respective summer adventures and the kids are all back in school now. Here’s what we’ve been up to.
Daily Life
We are readjusting to the school schedule, getting up early, doing homework, etc. This week Gabbie also started back on her full dance schedule. I am thrilled that we once again have a third car so I don’t have to worry about not having one for myself when both Dave and Gabbie needed to be places! Also, for most of this month we have been dog sitting, and it is nice to have a dog around the house again.
Birthdays and Holidays
We celebrated Simon turning 12 this month. We got another Coldstone cake – they are really good!
Camp / School
Simon enjoyed his time at camp but hasn’t made up his mind whether he wants to go back next summer. School seems to be going fine so far! We went to back to school night for Gabbie for the first time, since she switched to public school in 2020 and they didn’t have back to school nights in person until now. We have the one for the boys tomorrow night as well.
As I mentioned, dance started up again. Gabbie is at dance late twice a week and not so late twice a week. She also has competition practices on Sundays. She’s an assistant for a little kids’ class too. Simon is not playing soccer this year. I’m not really sure why, but he didn’t want to. Both Gabbie and Zachary are on the board of their youth group and they had a meeting last week (Gabbie is the co-president!). I’m sure they’ll have more activities soon!
Throw Back
I finally got access to the pictures from my in-laws’ birthday party, so now you can see me in a picture!
I liked the dress I chose, but it was too big so I had to pin the extra fabric!
Health / Fitness
My back has been acting up so I’m seeing the chiropractor every few weeks. It’s so strange, it pops or cracks a lot when I’m not really doing anything. It doesn’t hurt when it does that, but I sort of feel like it will break open or something! Gabbie came home from Israel sick and after antibiotics, she got better. Simon came home from camp coughing and hasn’t stopped yet.
I’ve still be running in the heat, although hopefully the hotter mornings will drop off soon!
I used to watch the show All Rise, and when it was canceled, I stopped watching it. I recently found it that it was actually renewed on another channel, so now I’m watching it again. I’ll need to see when my regular shows will come back this fall.
This was a tough reading month quality wise. I wasn’t so thrilled with a lot of the books I chose. I do have some favorites which I’ll share this Friday! I shared the first half of my August reading here and you can always see book reviews and more on my Instagram!
Here are my last few photos for 52 Frames – weeks 30 – 34!
[single focal point]
[choose a color]
[night photography]
[water + extra credit – 1/8000 speed]
In case you missed it, check out my posts about Gabbie’s trip, favorite TV shows, Simon’s camp experience, NYC, Gabbie’s senior pictures, and back to school.
Coming Up
Since the holidays are later this year, we have a few weeks of normality in September before we start having holiday after holiday to celebrate!
How was your August?