The first Wednesday of the month is the Currently link up and I’m once again linking up with Jennifer. This month’s prompt words are loving, looking forward to, savoring, celebrating, and remembering.
It can be hard to find joy when you feel like things aren’t great, but here are some things that brought me joy over the past month:
– Spending time with my family.
– Seeing my nephews and great-nieces and nephew.
– Celebrating Zachary’s birthday in Israel.
– Seeing friends.
– The people who reached out and offered or provided help once we got home.
– Making people sign my cast.
– Being able to watch a dog – I had to cancel some of dogs that are harder to take care of but with help I can still watch the one that is here now.
– Getting over jet lag.
[looking forward to]
Being able to walk again. I am anxious that it won’t be easy!
I have to savor the fact that it’s summer and it’s ok for a friend of the kids’ to come over at 9 pm and just hang out with them for no reason! No need to be stressed because there’s no school the next day!
I guess we’ll celebrate July 4th tomorrow. I am not sure I can get to the fireworks! We’ll definitely have hamburgers for dinner at least.
I remembered I forgot to share a picture in my first Israel recap post. I added it in, but I figured I’d also share it here!
Now tell me something you are currently doing!