Happy Wednesday! Today I’m joining in for the Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce.
1. March 15th is known as The Ides of March, the date on which Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C….have you ever been to Rome? If so what did you love most about the city? If not, is this a place you’d like to visit?
I have not been to Rome, although Gabbie has! Sure, I would visit there if I had the chance.
2. ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day.’ What project/activity/improvement (of any kind) do you have going on right now to which this saying might be applied?
I guess the shelter website I’ve been working on. I am now stuck waiting for information from other people and I guess they aren’t in a big rush.
3. Let’s do a little this or that with some Italian foods…
- Caprese salad or Prosciutto with melon?
- Bruschetta or Antipasto?
- lasagne or ravioli?
- bolognese or Carbonara?
- Risotto or gnocchi?
- tiramisu~gelato~cannoli?
Being that I don’t eat pork…caprese salad, bruschetta, lasagne, carbonara, gnocchi, gelato.
4. Of the colors red, white, and green which would I find most prevalent in your home? Which one do you think is most flattering to you in terms of your wardrobe? Have you ever had your colors done? Is that something you’d be interested in doing?
I think you’d find the most white in my house. Red supposedly looks good on me. I have self assessed my colors, but have not had them actually done.
5. Life would be boring without____________________?
Books and dogs.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Speaking of colors…this week I’m letting go of the argument as to what color graduation gowns the graduates will wear. Apparently it’s been maroon forever and the kids want maroon gowns, but the school color is no longer maroon. Who knew? Some of the parents are getting a little too involved in the hopes that they can still wear maroon. I just keep saying they will graduate no matter what color they wear.
Tell me your answer to any of these!