Welcome to the Share Our Lives link up hosted by myself, Adrienne, Jen, Joanne, and Sarah! We are sharing our lives this year on the second Monday of each month, and this month’s prompt is tips for falling asleep. I actually don’t usually have a hard time falling asleep, but there are times I wake up in the night and can’t fall back asleep, so that is frustrating.
As far as falling asleep in the first place, I go to bed when I am tired. I don’t take my phone to bed with me. I read until I am not reading the words anymore and then I put my book down and fall asleep!
If I can’t sleep for some reason, I try to stop my out of control thoughts by singing songs in my head. My go to songs are We Didn’t Start The Fire and Call Me Al. Deep breathing and backwards counting don’t usually help me. I’m lucky that I don’t struggle with this issue!
Here are tips from the Comprehensive Sleep Care Center:
If you wrote a post with tips for falling asleep, you can link up with us here and come back next month when we share a day in the life.
What are your tips for falling asleep: