Happy New Year! The first Wednesday of the month is the Currently link up and I’m once again linking up with Jennifer. This month’s prompt words are loving, doing to stay warm, resolving, organizing, and wearing. Here’s what I’m currently…
Watching the sun set on 2024 and rise on 2025.
[doing to stay warm]
Being in Florida helps with that! But we are heading back home and it’s going to be cold. So I’ll be staying inside in order to stay warm!
I really haven’t thought much about New Year’s resolutions. I would just really like to have a better year all around! Here’s what I said last year:
“I’m pretty sure I resolve to do the same thing every year and still never do it – clear out my house from the things we don’t need anymore. And I need to figure out my weight issue.”
So yeah, same.
I’m organizing my thoughts and my schedule for this month to get into a routine and make things work. Especially for when Dave is traveling.
I actually need some plain long sleeve tops. I have mostly sweatshirts, which I like, but sometimes I want something thinner!
Now tell me something you are currently doing!