Currently…August 2023
The first Wednesday of the month is the Currently link up and I’m once again linking up with Jennifer. This month’s prompt words are loving, looking forward to, starting, thinking, and wearing.
View PostThe first Wednesday of the month is the Currently link up and I’m once again linking up with Jennifer. This month’s prompt words are loving, looking forward to, starting, thinking, and wearing.
View PostZachary has been having a great trip, in which he either hasn’t taken many pictures or hasn’t sent us very many of them! Today I’m sharing the ones he has sent me since I last shared his time in Morocco.
View PostI’m not very into fashion at all, but I needed some new clothes and I feel like I bought too much to save to share within my next Prime Purchases post, so today I’m sharing the new clothes I bought for myself this month! Links are affiliate links and if you use them and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission.
View PostWelcome to my July 2023 Favorite Books post! This monthly post is where I share the 5 star books I’ve read so far each month. There is still time left in the month so it is possible I will read more 5 star reads before the end – in that case they will be included in my next wrap up post! You can see the first half of my July reading here and I will share the rest next week. The Amazon links to the books I’ve read are affiliate links and if you use them and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission.
View PostI’m back with my 50 States Wrapped series and today’s post will cover Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, and Georgia! Everyone seemed to like that I included books taking place in each state, so I will do my best to continue that as well. If you missed part 1 to this series, you can check out last week’s post about Alabama-California!
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