The first Wednesday of the month is the Currently link up and I’m once again linking up with Jennifer. This month’s prompt words are loving, looking forward to, seeing, reading, and wanting.
I am once again using the “loving” prompt to list some of the things that brought me joy over the past month!
– Getting to hold babies at preschool.
– Simon not needing braces.
– Realizing how much Zachary has grown since he was younger.
– Feeling better with a new diet plan.
– Seeing Simon in his middle school play.
– Gabbie coming home for Passover.
– Spending time with friends over Passover.
[looking forward to]
The end of school and our trip to Israel.
I am seeing so much hate on college campuses. It’s not something I can look away from. It’s scary.
I shared my 5 star reads so far this month on Friday, but I still had a few to go at that point! I’ll share what I read during the rest of April this coming Friday.
I’m supposed to go away this weekend with some friends. I want it to go as planned, or to know whether or not it is actually happening…hopefully by the time you read this I’ll know for sure!
Now tell me something you are currently doing!