The first Wednesday of the month is the Currently link up and I’m once again linking up with Jennifer. This month’s prompt words are loving, craving, pinning, planning, and appreciating. Here’s what I’m currently…
I’m loving that this week is looking kind of quiet. I was able to read most of a book on Monday! I loved hearing about the great time my boys had in NYC last weekend.
I have cravings for fancy coffee drinks and ice cream quite often.
If we’re referring to pinterest, I haven’t been on the site in quite a long time. Maybe I should though because I remember thinking I wanted to bookmark something and now I don’t even remember what that was.
I’m going to have to do some more meal planning for when Dave is traveling again. That will also be when Gabbie is home and when we’re watching a dog! I also need to plan for Purim, which is next week!
I appreciate the texting chat I had with my friend on Monday. She helps me to arrange my thoughts sometimes! I also appreciate when Dave takes Simon to school.
Sorry for such a boring post…
Now tell me something you are currently doing!