Happy Wednesday everyone! Today I’m joining in for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce.
1. What’s one task you’d like a little Christmas elf to sneak in and take care of tonite?
I guess I could use an elf even though I don’t celebrate Christmas, right? I would like one to help me meal plan for a week in January when Dave will be away, since figuring out what to make is my hardest thing.
2. What’s your biggest challenge during the holidays?
Our holiday season is in the fall when we have 4 big ones in a row. It is hard for me to get through all of them without getting overwhelmed!
3. Are you a cookie baker this time of year? If your year had to be summed up in the shape of a cookie cutter what shape would it be?
No, I’m not a cookie baker now, or ever! I’m not that great at making cookies that aren’t overcooked or undercooked. I don’t know why. As for a shape, I feel like a big chunk of my year was dealing with my ankle, so maybe the shape of a cast.
4. Santa likes milk with his cookies. Do you like milk? What kind of milk is on tap in your house? (whole, 2%, skim, almond, oat, etc). What’s the last thing you made that called for milk?
I buy skim milk, even though it’s kind of gross. I mainly use it in my coffee.
5. Share one favorite line from a Christmas carol or holiday tune?
My mind has drawn a blank.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
These questions are a bit Christmas themed and I just wanted to put it out there that not everyone celebrates Christmas…and not everything that relates to Christmas can also be applied to those who don’t celebrate it.
Tell me your answer to any of these!