I have a late to press post today because for the life of me I could not come up with anything to report in a usual Friday type post (nor do I have anything planned for Monday or Tuesday), but this morning I realized I missed Monthly Musings with Holly and Patty, so I decided to quickly throw together my answers to their questions about spring.
1. Do You Decorate for Easter or Spring?
I decorate my entry way each season, so earlier this week I put away my wintery decor and took out my spring items.
2. What Spring holidays do you celebrate?
Passover is our spring holiday.
3. Do You Have Any Fun Spring Traditions?
Not really, aside from celebrating Passover!
4. Do You Have Any Recipes You Make Every Spring?
I don’t think so, other than whatever we make for Passover!
5. Do You Switch Out Any of Your Decor for Spring?
See answer #1.
6. Do You Add in Outdoor Spring Touches?
I have flowers that come up every year if I’m lucky! And I buy flowers to put inside whenever possible.
7. Do You Have a Favorite Spring Cocktail or drink?
Not really!
8. Pink? Love or hate?
9. Favorite Spring Flower?
10. Are Things Blooming Where You Live?
Yes, when I walked around the block the other day I saw a few things already blooming.
How’s the spring weather by you?