Welcome to the Not Just a Mom Link Up hosted by myself, Adrienne, Jen, Joanne, Lauren, and Sarah! This month, we are talking about comfort food. Everyone needs some comfort food in the fall, I think! I decided to make a list of my favorite comfort foods.
View PostIt’s my birthday today. I don’t really feel like celebrating and coming up with an idea for this post wasn’t easy. But there were a lot of good things that happened this past year and I decided to post ten of them here – it is the 10th of the month after all!
View PostThis month I’m once again linking up with Tanya to share what I’ve been purchasing via Amazon and elsewhere – only Amazon this month. It’s kind of sad to look back at last month and the beginning of this month when I was still making purchases for my Israel trip. These links are affiliate links, which means that if you click them and make a purchase, I may receive a small incentive.
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