Welcome to the Share Our Lives link up hosted by myself, Adrienne, Jen, Joanne, and Sarah! We are sharing our lives this year on the second Monday of each month, and this month’s prompt is a day in the life – on an average day. I decided to document my day last Tuesday, which as a very average day in all the ways.
I start my mornings the same most days – coffee, social media catch up, news, NY Times games. I read blogs and I work on my next blog post.
Dave took Simon to school, so instead of rushing out the door, I had some extra time before I went to the gym. I updated my reading journal.
I went to barre class at the gym.
Back at home, I updated instagram and then I got distracted by an email from a publishing company and by the weather report – a blizzard warning for that night.
I took a shower and got dressed in the hoodie that Zachary gave me from his recent trip. Silly kid doesn’t wear hoodies – lucky for me!
I made my breakfast and second cup of coffee. Not sure why it doesn’t look very appetizing here!
I set up my book and settled in for a few hours of reading. I don’t only read, I also look at social media and get distracted by websites, but I didn’t take pictures of all of that. I also had lunch at some point in there, and washed dishes and emptied the dishwasher.
On Tuesdays I volunteer at the school cafe, so I headed there. I gave lots of my kids’ friends free soda – oops.
Simon was with me for part of the time and he came back when I was done so we could head home. We brought in the mail.
I prepared Simon’s lunch for the next day. On Wednesdays, Zachary gets chicken for lunch, but Simon doesn’t like it.
I neglected to take a picture of dinner but it was chili. Zachary was out at a class on mental health that he’s taking for a few weeks. Simon went to a class too, but his is more casual and is with some friends.
I watched some TV – I was excited that there are new episodes of The Dog House! It is the sweetest show. And I also watched an episode of Call The Midwife.
I caught up with Gabbie on our nightly call.
Before bed, I do some audio book listening. The power went out and then came back a few seconds later, but I went to bed at that point so I could see my way there! That night, we did have very high winds and a bit of snow!
So that was an average day in my life! If you shared one, you can link up with us here, and come back next month when we’re sharing our creative outlets!