Today I have yet another book gift ideas for you – it’s a book that’s also a game! You’re Pulling My Leg and You’re Pulling My Leg Junior are created by award-winning game creator Allen Wolf and let you test your bluffing skills with completely new questions that range from thought-provoking to zany. The game can be played in person or remotely.
During the game, players choose a question from the cards within the book. The secret flip of the coin tells them if their answer should be true or made up. When players hear a story, they vote points on if they think a player is telling the truth or pulling their leg. Players win points if you’re right but lose them if you’re wrong. Players try to bluff others and try not to let other players fool them. The first player to 21 points wins.You’ll be surprised how much you learn about other players in a short amount of time.
The books not only make a great holiday gift, but they also provide families with endless hours of entertainment and a chance to get to know your family members better.
We received a copy of You’re Pulling My Leg Junior to try out. The book includes 225 question cards that have three story prompts each. Some examples: Tell me about…a favorite stuffed animal. A time when you raced up a set of stairs. A memory you would like to remember 20 years from now. Every other page is a blank, lined page where you can write down your favorite memories of game play. With some creativity, this game could get quite funny!
I love that the book can easily be brought along on a road trip or to someone else’s house. I also think that as a mom, I could use some of the story prompts to remember cute stories about the kids when they were younger!
You can find out more about You’re Pulling My Leg and You’re Pulling My Leg Junior here:
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I received this book in exchange for my review. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.
Do you and / or your kids like to tell each other stories?