Today I’m linking up with Kym at A Fresh Cup of Coffee for her 26 Lists link up. This week’s prompt is “my talents and creative skills.” I have written about this topic in the past, and in fact, for some reason my 10 Things I’m Not Good At and 10 Things I Am is one of my most viewed posts! I also wrote a post about my Secret Talents, etc. Some of my talents include:
1. Reading – I’m a fast reader, which is why I am able to read more than many people.
2. Knitting
3. Photography? I still have a hard time telling if I’m good at photography, but I do my best.
4. Keeping up with blogging and posting on Instagram.
5. Being funny / silly. I think I can make people laugh pretty well. Whether they are actually laughing at me, well, I’m not sure.
What is something you are good at?