Recently Danielle wrote a post entitled 10 Things I Suck At. I told her it was a great post idea and that now she should write a list of things she does not suck at! And then I decided I’d do the same!
10 Things I’m Just No Good At…
1. Parallel Parking. I failed it on my driver’s test which was like 20 years ago and I never learned to do it since.
2. Running. I want to be a runner but when I used to run I hated it. I’m so slow and it makes everything hurt.
3. Keeping My Face Straight. I’m stealing this from Rebecca’s post on this topic because it’s true for me too. If something annoys me, you can tell by looking at my face! This has caused issues for me in the past!
4. Keeping Calm. There are so many things that stress me out! Like packing for trips. And planning activities to keep the kids busy. And carpools.
5. Being Motivated. There are times when I get good ideas but I have no motivation to pull them off. And sometimes I need to put things away or get things done and if I don’t force myself I don’t do it!
6. Drinking Enough Water. I wish I could drink more but then I have to go to the bathroom every 2 minutes and I hate that!
Putting frozen fruit in my water helped a bit! But then I stopped.
7. Sports. I’m really not coordinated. I played softball as a kid and I got “most improved player” – well, you know that means “worst player.”
8. Making Friends. I’m just a bit socially awkward. I also worry that I annoy people.
9. Not Comparing. I always end up looking at the other kids’ work in my kids’ classes and this is never a good idea.
10. Cooking. I always screw something up. That’s why Dave does much of the cooking in our house!
And 10 Things I’m Good At:
1. Being the mom my kids need.
2. Writing. I feel like I write pretty good well.
3. Photography. I mean there are times I feel like I could do better, but I don’t suck at it.
4. Thinking of Ideas. The motivation may lack at times but the ideas are there!
5. Worrying. I am awesome at thinking of the worst case scenario and stressing about things!
6. Organizing. I feel like I’m good at keeping myself together. You know, when I’m not worrying about it.
7. Being Sarcastic.
8. Knitting.
9. Playing Candy Crush.
10. Being myself.
What things are you just no good at? What things are you good at?