Yesterday I started off by suggesting you start your family’s story with a family photo. Today we get into the real writing part of writing the story of your family! Of course, you are always welcome to include photos throughout your journal, binder, or blog posts, as it’s your story afterall.
Let’s start at the beginning. Where do your family roots lie? Are you a third-generation American like me, or did your recent ancestors reside elsewhere? I must admit I am not a genealogy expert and the most I know about my family history is what I’ve been told by my grandmothers on both side of my family. However, Stephanie at Teach Your Tree is writing her 31 Days series all about learning your family’s history!
At the very least, this blog or journal entry should include a list of family members’ names, dates of births and deaths, and the places where they were born, lived, and died, going as far back as you can. You may need to make some phone calls! Don’t forget to include yourself, your siblings, and your children. Remember, you will probably pass this information on to your children some day.
As far as I know, my ancestors came from Russia. All four of my grandparents were born in the United States. My husband’s maternal grandmother was born in Poland, and I will need to consult with him as to where his other grandparents were born! How about you? If you are blogging along with me, please leave me your link in the comments!
Behind on the series? Catch up here!