Today I’m linking up with Anne In Residence for her Currently link up. June’s prompt words are: picking, going, wishing, wearing, and celebrating. Here’s what I’m currently up to!
Each day, the boys have been picking two chores from our new chore jar. They earn $1 per chore and have been earning Robux or iTunes cards. I made the chore choices pretty easy, and so far they have cleaned the table and the counter, vacuumed the floor, put away toys, and helped cook dinner!
We have plans to go a lot of places this summer. Our first little mini trip is this week. We’re going to Great Wolf Lodge!
I’m wishing it was easier to find activities for all the kids to enjoy. So far the best way I’ve found to get them to go places with me is to allow them a treat somewhere along the way!
I’m so excited that I won a gift card from my friend’s blog! It’s too bad I just ordered a few more items before I won it! Here’s what I have on the way (affiliate links):
Friday is Zachary’s birthday! We’re going to Great Wolf Lodge to celebrate. I will share more about him and his birthday on Friday! We will also be celebrating the holiday Shavuot this weekend.
Now tell me something you are currently doing!