Happy Wednesday! Hope everyone is having a good week so far. Today I’m joining in for Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce.
1. It’s been said January is ‘the month of opportunity, inspiration, and change.” Which of the three do you need most right now? Elaborate.
I could probably use some inspiration. It would be nice to get a lot of things done if I had the inspiration (or motivation?) to do so.
2. Do you consider opportunity as something that comes to you or something you create for yourself?
I think taking advantage of opportunity is something you have to create for yourself. There is probably always the opportunity out there, you just have to find it.
3. The British Museum opened on this date (January 15th) back in 1759. Do you like visiting museums? Do you have a favorite?
I do like museums. I often visit them when traveling, most recently we visited the Guggenheim. As for a favorite, I always loved the Liberty Science Center!
4. It’s National Oatmeal Month (yes, apparently it gets a whole month as opposed to a single day). Do you like oatmeal? How often do you eat a bowl of oatmeal? How do you like yours? What about an oatmeal cookie? Is that a sweet treat you enjoy?
I actually do eat oatmeal every other day. Lindsay introduced me to this protein filled oatmeal from the brand Kodiak, and I like it a lot! If I was eating regular oatmeal without flavoring, I like a bit of brown sugar and raisins or craisins in it. I will eat oatmeal cookies, but they aren’t my favorite.
5. What’s something useful you learned in high school?
That’s an interesting question that makes me wonder…and think of a Paul Simon quote: “When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school, it’s a wonder I can think at all.” What did I learn in high school? A bit of French. How to write an essay. Photography. Calculus??
6. Insert your own random thought here.
This week I’m letting go of stressing about Duncan the dog. He is old and he is only pooping in the house and not outside. (I’m sure the snow is a factor with that too). Every night he poops and pees in the kitchen. But it’s ok because I can just clean it up. And with the dogs sleeping in the kitchen instead of with Simon, they aren’t waking us up during the night like they were the last time they were here.
Tell me your answer to any of these!