I’m back with another three things post where I share updates on each of the kids in three points each.
1. Gabbie goes back to school next week – her college has an extra long winter break.
2. While she’s been home, she’s been seeing friends, going to various appointments (like the eye doctor and dentist), and spending time with us.
3. She has also been reading my Abby Jimenez books, which makes me happy!
1. Second semester started slowly with all the snow days we had. Zachary starts his economics class at the community college today.
2. A friend of his who moved away after 4th grade came to visit this past weekend.
3. Zachary bought plane tickets to visit Gabbie over President’s Day weekend. He didn’t apply to her school but he says he wants to experience college life with her!
1. Simon did some snow shoveling in the community on our snow days. When Gabbie and Zachary helped him with a few of the houses, he called them his employees and divided his earnings as he saw fit.
2. I’m back to asking him every day if he has homework and he says he did it in class…
3. Simon’s full math class has a study hall instead of an elective because there are no electives at that time. However, Simon says there is a way he can also take part in the new Debate elective, which he isn’t in because he has Theater at that time. We’ll see if he does that!
What’s new with you or someone in your family?