It’s my birthday today! I have often commented that I can’t make a list of things about me that equal my current age because there would be too many, but I thought I would give it a try. Let’s pretend you don’t know me at all and start from the beginning.
1. I was born and raised in NJ and moved to KS 11 years ago.
2. I have three kids – ages 15, 13, and 10.
3. I don’t have any pets but I really want a dog.
4. I enjoy reading, traveling, knitting, and photography.
5. I don’t like eggplant, peppers, or mushrooms.
6. My favorite meal ever is bbq burnt ends and baked beans from my friend’s restaurant in Florida.
7. I spent a semester abroad in Israel during college.
8. My college major was Communication and Jewish Studies and I got a master’s degree in Social Work but I haven’t worked since my middle child was born.
9. Growing up, I wanted to be a writer.
10. I still think about writing a book of essays about growing up Jewish in a non-Jewish world.
11. I’ve had very bad poison ivy in which my face swelled so much I couldn’t open my eyes.
12. I had chicken pox when I was 14.
13. My favorite book is The Time Traveler’s Wife.
14. I ran a half marathon on my 34th birthday. I don’t plan to do that again, but lately I’ve been running 2.5-3 miles 4 times a week.
15. Coffee used to make me sick. Now I can’t live without it.
16. I have one brother, 3 sisters-in-law, 2 brothers-in-law, 3 nieces, 8 nephews, 3 nieces by marriage, 2 nephews by marriage, 8 great nieces, and 2 great nephews. I probably messed up that count somewhere!
17. I have never done the Macarena.
18. I know all the words to We Didn’t Start The Fire.
19. Billy Joel is my favorite singer.
20. When I was pregnant with my youngest I fell down some steps and broke my ankle.
21. I have one more state to go to have visited them all – Oregon.
22. I used to be a huge fan of the shows Lost and Scandal.
23. I played tennis in high school even though I’m not athletic in the least.
24. I love Disney World.
25. My first job was pouring paint at a ceramics party place. My first real job was working with foster children.
26. My dad and my son are both left handed. My dad and brother have blue eyes, but my kids do not. I’m fascinated by genetics!
27. When I did my DNA test, I found out that I’m 100% Ashkenazi Jewish.
28. I have a very bad sense of direction.
29. I cannot picture people’s faces in my head. It’s called aphantasia.
30. I’m an introvert. Staying home this year wasn’t that hard for me, though I did miss social interaction after awhile!
31. I like going to the pool in the summer but I hate changing out of a wet bathing suit so I don’t normally go in the water.
32. My love language is acts of service.
33. I’m proud to represent a little blue dot in a very red state.
34. My favorite Jewish holiday is Sukkot. My favorite American holiday is Thanksgiving or July 4.
35. I recently proclaimed my hatred of the November birthstone – Citrine – but then I realized that I think my eyes are the same color as that stone.
36. I have freckles in my eyes. Or maybe they are just black dots.
37. I have a recurring dream that I’m still in high school but I haven’t gone to any classes and I have to take a test. Or that I haven’t returned my library books and I’m not going to graduate.
38. When I was a kid, my favorite place was my summer camp.
39. My earliest memory is being told that I would be a big sister.
40. One of the earliest historical events I can remember was the Challenger explosion.
41. I took French and American Sign Language in high school and Hebrew in college.
42. My new age is the answer to the life, the universe, and everything.
Also – later this week, Danielle and I are hosting a throwback to the The Kids Behind The Blog link up that we used to love! Ask your kids these questions and share them on your blog starting on Thursday! Here’s the info:
Do we have anything in common?