Today I’m linking up with Marsha for the 10 on the 10th link up. This month’s topic is 10 Questions About Gifts! This is meant to be a “holiday” theme, and I’m not sure how well my answers will work out since I don’t really do holiday gifting. But I’ll do my best! Also, I had to create my own images for this post because the ones Marsha shared have Canva watermarks and they were annoying me, haha.
1. About how many gifts do you purchase in the holiday season?
When my kids were younger, we did do a gift a night for Hanukkah. As they got older, we did more shared bigger gifts, or gifts that worked for the whole holiday – like when the boys got a computer or this year, when they have already received new phones that count as their Hanukkah gift. Now, I purchase gifts for my niece and nephew for Hanukkah and otherwise I don’t really do holiday season gifting. (They are super easy to shop for because my sister-in-law always tells me exactly what to get!)
2. Who is the hardest person for whom you buy presents?
I don’t shop for anyone who it is hard to buy for. I do find it hard when my kids’ friends have birthday parties that seem to pop up out of nowhere (like a get together that is actually a birthday celebration) and I don’t know what to send along as a gift. I will usually go for an Amazon gift card in that case!
3. How do you respond to a gift you really don’t like?
I don’t know if that has ever happened to me! I not only don’t give a lot of gifts, but I don’t get a lot of gifts. If anyone gives me random gifts they usually know what I like or they do the gift card / money thing!
4. What kinds of gifts do you consider the best to give or receive?
Definitely money or gift cards at this point in my life. I like to have a say over what I get myself. And I do buy things for myself!
5. What kinds of gifts do you consider the worst to give or receive?
I normally don’t love gifts that don’t last – like flowers or chocolate! But on the other hand I would not be upset to receive either of those things.
6. What gift would you never give ever?
I would never gift someone a pet. They need to have a say in what pet they choose and gifting pets leads to more homeless animals.
7. What is your process for selecting a gift?
Ask the person or their parents what they like or want!
8. What is the best gift you’ve ever gotten?
I will usually say the best gift I’ve gotten is the diamond that my grandma left for me when she passed away. I have it on a really nice necklace that I love to wear.
9. What is the best gift you’ve ever given?
I am not sure. Maybe something knitted by me?
10. Would you ever or have you ever re-gifted something?
I have re-gifted items that I don’t use as white elephant swap type gifts. As well as duplicates of games that my kids have received!
Tell me something about you and gift giving!